Non Più Andrai
From Le Nozze di Figaro by Mozart
I sang this piece for the Stanford Vocal Department Juries in the 2023 Winter quarter. Thanks to Juror/Lectuer Benjamin Liupaogo for filming it. It was the first time I didn’t cringe significantly while listening to a vocal recording of myself :).
“Non più andrai” is an aria from Mozart’s Le Nozze di Figaro. Throughout the piece Figaro playfully teases Cherubino about the strict and disciplined life of a soldier on which he’s about to embark. No longer will Cherubino partake his flirtatious adventures.
Lyrics + Translation
Italian Lyrics | English Translation |
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso, Notte e giorno d'intorno girando, Delle belle turbando il riposo, Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. |
No more will you wander, amorous butterfly, Night and day flitting around, Disturbing the peace of the beauties, Little Narcissus, Adonis of love. |
Delle belle turbando il riposo, Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. |
Disturbing the peace of the beauties, Little Narcissus, Adonis of love. |
Non piu avrai questi bei penacchini, Quel cappello leggiero e galante, Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante, Quel vermiglio donnesco color! |
No more will you have these fine feathers, That light and gallant hat, That hair, that bright air, That rosy feminine color! |
Non piu avrai quei penacchini, Quel cappello Quella chioma, quell'aria brillante |
No more will you have those feathers, That hat That hair, that bright air |
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso, Notte e giorno d'intorno girando, Delle belle turbando il riposo, Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. |
No more will you wander, amorous butterfly, Night and day flitting around, Disturbing the peace of the beauties, Little Narcissus, Adonis of love. |
Delle belle turbando il riposo, Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. |
Disturbing the peace of the beauties, Little Narcissus, Adonis of love. |
Fra guerrieri, poffar Bacco! Gran mustacchi, stretto sacco, Schioppo in spalla, sciabla al fianco, Collo dritto, muso franco, Un gran casco, o un gran turbante, Molto onor, poco contante. |
Among warriors, by Bacchus! Big mustaches, tight sack, Musket on shoulder, saber at side, Straight neck, frank face, A big helmet, or a big turban, Much honor, little money. |
Poco contante Poco contante |
Little money Little money |
Ed in vece del fandango Una marcia per il fango. |
And instead of the fandango A march through the mud. |
Per montagne, per valloni, Con le nevi, e i solioni, Al concerto di tromboni, Di bombarde, di cannoni, Che le palle in tutti i tuoni, All'orecchio fan fischiar. |
Through mountains, through valleys, With the snows, and the sun, To the concert of trombones, Of bombards, of cannons, With the balls in all the tones, They make the ears whistle. |
Non piu avrai quei penacchini, Non piu avrai quel cappello Non piu avrai quella chioma Non piu avrai quell'aria brillante. |
No more will you have those feathers, No more will you have that hat No more will you have that hair No more will you have that bright air. |
Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso, Notte e giorno d'intorno girando, Delle belle turbando il riposo, Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. |
No more will you wander, amorous butterfly, Night and day flitting around, Disturbing the peace of the beauties, Little Narcissus, Adonis of love. |
Delle belle turbando il riposo, Narcisetto, Adoncino d'amor. |
Disturbing the peace of the beauties, Little Narcissus, Adonis of love. |
Cherubino, alla vittoria! Alla gloria militar! |
Cherubino, to victory! To military glory! |
Cherubino, alla vittoria! Alla gloria militar! |
Cherubino, to victory! To military glory! |
Alla gloria militar! Alla gloria militar! |
To military glory! To military glory! |